Thailand for farang

Esa Waterfall


Esa Waterfall or น้ำตกอีซ่า in Thai is located in Ban Rai, Uthai Thani province. If you follow the directions to I-SA Water Fall on google maps you’ll get close to it, but it is not 100% correct. It is off for about 7 km. About 2 to 3 km before reaching the destination you’ll pass a Thai sign that says you have to drive 4 km to the left to get somewhere (I think it is the sign for the temple). Take that left and drive until you reach the end of the road. You’ll arrive at a temple.


To get to the waterfall you’ll have to walk straight pass the temple. I didn’t know where to go, so I asked the monks sitting in the temple. One of them guided my husband and I to Esa waterfall.


The monk told us the water usually is higher, but it didn’t rain that much this year. It was still quite pretty. It sure was very peaceful as we were literally the only ones at the waterfall. The main difference with the other waterfalls in Uthai Thani was the white sand. There was a small black crab crawling on the white sand where my feet sank a little into. I had the feeling I was at the beach.


Esa waterfall is frequent visited 2 months of the year during august and september or whenever the most rainy months a year are and during very rainy days.

View my short video about Esa Waterfall here :

Or view my short movie about Esar Waterfall On YouTube.

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